
我们的B.A. 历史拓展你的知识面 

KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载的B.A. 历史课是为学生准备的 a broad underst和ing of the major events, themes, 和 developments of American, European, 和 w的世界 history. Students develop an underst和ing of historiography 和 the historian’s craft which includes the ability to think critically, 写有说服力, 并进行历史分析. Our graduates gain cross cultural 和 interdisciplinary perspectives about the past as well as current events. Whether pursuing post-graduate work in history, 其他社会科学或人文科学, 教育, 或者法学院, B.A. in 历史 helps to prepare students for their professional training.








Professor giving lecture, with a PowerPoint next to him, in front of students in a classroom.

The 历史 教师 represents a wide array of research 和 methodological backgrounds. All history students conduct original research, which utilizes analysis of primary 和 secondary sources. 多亏了我们的小班教学, students are able to work closely with faculty both in the classroom 和 on individual research projects. Each faculty member has their own specialties that will help you not only find 和 explore your historical niche, but allow you to gain invaluable skills that can help you in whatever career path you choose. Our history faculty is excited to help you begin your journey towards completing your degree.

  • 全年接受申请
  • 选修课程的多样性
  • 学生研究项目
  • 来自各个学院的不同专业
Garren Barnes,主修历史

The history program builds upon students’ personal 和 professional goals, 有教师的实际支持. I am now more confident having been prepared to work in a variety of areas. The life lessons are arguably the greatest part of the program.

Garren Barnes,主修历史2024届毕业生

我能用a做什么 B.A. 学位 历史? 

在KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载 学士学位课程 历史 aims to prepare students for a variety of fields by supplying them with the critical thinking 和 writing skills to go into many different areas. Our classes prepare students for any field they choose post graduating. 一些选项包括: 

  • 档案管理员
  • 图书管理员
  • 历史学家
  • 博物馆馆长/主任
  • 家谱学家
  • 历史老师
  • 政府官员
  • 律师
  • 律师助理
  • 记者
  • 传记作家
  • 外交事务官员


The Division of Social Sciences 和 历史 和 its alumni recognize that higher 教育 can be a hard burden financially on young students. This is why we are offer 9 scholarships 和 awards to our students every year. For students interested in pursuing a major in 历史, there are several scholarship opportunities available through the division. These scholarships are typically based on academic achievement or financial need. Students may also be eligible for non-program specific scholarship opportunities.


The goal of the 学士学位课程 历史 at DSU is to help students achieve an underst和ing of w世界与美国.S. history through the study of both major 和 minor historical events. 为了达到这种理解, students will learn how to think 和 write both critically 和 persuasively, learn about the evolution of historical inquiry 和 practice, 和 conduct their own personal research projects. Each class within our program aims to help 移动 our students closer towards these goals, while also allowing them to foster their own historical interests.  


Applicants of this program must meet Delta State University’s undergraduate admission requirements.

There are no additional program admission requirements.


The following courses are required to complete the major in 历史.


课程编号及 科目名称 学分
一般 选择下列其中一组:
HIS 101: 历史 of Civilization to 1648,
HIS 102: 历史 of Civilization, 1648-Present
HIS 103:世界历史到1500年,
HIS 104: 世界历史 1500 to Present
HIS 400: Historiography 和 the Philosophy of 历史 3
在300级选择12小时 12
U.S. 历史 选择下列其中一项:
he 301: 1763年的大西洋世界
HIS 303: The Age of Jefferson 和 Jackson
HIS 306: The American South Since 1865
HIS 307: 历史 of American Conquest
HIS 310: Religion in United States 历史
HIS 313: Sports 和 The American Experience
HIS 314:非裔美国人历史
HIS 315: Free People of Color in the Americas, 1619-1865
欧洲历史上 选择下列其中一项:
he 301: 1763年的大西洋世界
HIS 320: Medieval Heroes 和 Villains
HIS 324: Medieval Conquest/Colonization
HIS 325: The Great Plague 和 Late Medieval Society
HIS 332:大屠杀
he 333:俄罗斯历史
世界历史 选择下列其中一项:
he 301: 1763年的大西洋世界
HIS 321:早期伊斯兰文明
he 333:俄罗斯历史
HIS 338: 历史 of Africa, 1800-Present
HIS 340: The Contemporary W的世界, 1945-Present
选修 Select a 300-level elective course in HIS
在400级选择9小时 9
U.S. 历史研讨会 选择下列其中一项:
HIS 412: Seminar in Early American 历史
现代美国研讨会.S. 历史
欧洲或世界研讨会 选择下列其中一项:
HIS 414: Seminar in Medieval 历史
HIS 415: Seminar in Modern 欧洲历史上
HIS 417: Seminar in Modern 世界历史
选修 选择下列其中一项:
HIS 412: Seminar in Early American 历史
现代美国研讨会.S. 历史
HIS 414: Seminar in Medieval 历史
HIS 415: Seminar in Modern 欧洲历史上
HIS 417: Seminar in Modern 世界历史
HIS 498: Individual Research 和 Writing 3
总计 33


要获得这个学位, you must successfully complete at least 120 credits, including your general 教育 requirements 和 the major requirements below. No grade below C in a required major course or special degree requirements may be applied toward graduation. Any grade below C must be re移动d by repeating the course 和 earning a C or better grade.

通识教育 38-41
大学要求 1
特殊学位要求 18-24
主要 33
选修课 21-30
总学位要求 120

For more information on degree requirements 和 specifics on courses needed to complete the degree, 咨询本科生 学术目录. For a semester-by-semester breakdown on how you can complete this degree in 4-years, visit 学术地图.
